Rental System for House Web Portal using with Csharp Rental House Web Portal using with Csharp Rental house web portal propose a solution for advertising the land or building or any other type of fixed assets at any time in our portal provided they are registered with our site. For example, if you want to sell or purchase land or building we will just log on in to this portal and provide the sufficient details and description about our assets. You just log on with your username and password, select your advertisement and even update it. You can alter your advertisement as many times as you wish with free of cost. This portal which have created provides a registration page for customers, so that the customers can register the profile of their desired fixed assets according to the places and location they prefer in order to sell or purchase. If their posted criteria matches with the existing one they will be provided with an excellent solution. They will also be provided the phone number and contact address of the property owners / buyers accordingly. Rental House Portal This portal not only automates business activities but also helps in business development of both conventional and modern methods.


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